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Parrots: WoW Battle Pets

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Archetype of Motion [Archetype of Motion]

Shadowlands Profession: Protoform Synthesis

Taught By: [Archetype of Motion]

Greatwing Macaw [Greatwing Macaw Feather]

Vendor: Dana Pull

Zone: Tiragarde Sound

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Olly (H)

Zone: Dazar'alor

Cost: 50Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Requires: A Shady Message

Green Wing Macaw [Parrot Cage (Green Wing Macaw)]

Drop: Defias Pirate

Zone: The Deadmines [7-30]

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 50

Hyacinth Macaw [Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)]

Drop: World Drop

Zone: Northern Stranglethorn [10-30], The Cape of Stranglethorn [10-30]

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 8,000


Special Event: Plunderstorm

Vendor: Plunderstore

Cost: 2000Plunder (unlimited supply)

Pillaged Parrot

Pet Battle: [25] Siren Isle

The War Within World Event: Siren Isle Pirate Invasion


Pet Battle: [7-9] Northern Stranglethorn

Poro [Poro]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Proper Parrot [Proper Parrot]

Drop: Elite Pirates

Zone: Siren Isle

The War Within World Event: Pirate Invasion

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Senegal [Parrot Cage (Senegal)]

Vendor: Narkk, Harry No-Hooks

Zone: The Cape of Stranglethorn

Cost: 40silver (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Dealer Rashaad

Zone: Netherstorm

Cost: 40silver (unlimited supply)

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