Ashstone Core

Core of Hardened Ash
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Hovers about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.1.0 | Posted: November 27, 2012
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes.
Level 0:

1-15 of 15
1-15 of 15

Yeh I do got this rock
I use this pet constantly. Part of my "A" team. Stoneskin blocks most dots or stampedes. Pop crystal Prison on anything except critters and you have the advantage from the start. Or Prison and they swap giving you some control from turn 1.
Levelling mine currently. I used to clear ash from mum's fire, so I may know it well.
Love this guy he is all round battler. He can be used on many differant pets.
Do you consider yourself to be favoured by RNG? Do you think that you have too many friends? Do you absolutely, positively want to remove pets from the play? Then look no further, this... Quarz-thingy is your new best buddy. Sure, it's a white floating hunk of rock that makes tingly noises, but take one look at the battle info.
Finished yet?
Crystal overload and instability. Now you can re-create Manhattan Project with your friends!
Is it just me or is this one kinda lame for dropping off golemag?
Got this and the Imp both on the first try! :D
22 kills, and still trying. Last pet for the achieve and it's being elusive
Not what expected in model considering who it drops off.... but its a good pet for coordinating with outfits. dropped on 2nd run of MC.
Just dropped on my first run on an DK alt got Corefire Imp on the same run so happy enough :)
just ran on my hunter, nothing dropped off dog boss but did get this one so, 2 down, one to go. gl
Ladihawke, exodar
Ran thru MC on 2 toons, got this guy twice in a row. Havent seen the others yet. Dunno if thats just incredibly lucky or if this one has a higher droprate.
Snagged him on my first run through. Getting through MC is easy, albeit a bit time consuming because of the overall length of the instance. I also managed to get the Corefire Imp as well.
Picked this guy up tonight, first attempt. Love that it's possible to get into MC without a group now.
lvl 1
HP 158
AT 10
SP 12