Cheetah Cub

Yawns, sits, and lies down.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Emoting /sit while targeting it will cause it to walk over, jump onto your lap and lie down. This pet will sit on top of a summoned Pilfered Sweeper toy.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found under large trees alongside Plainsland Cheetahs.
There are only two spawn points for this pet in Southern Barrens. They spawn under a large tree near Hunter's Hill in the very northern-most tip of Southern Barrens.

If you would like Cheetah Cub to be less noisy! Use the Addon MuteSoundFile and mute SoundID 562388 AND 562399
There are 17 different feline beasts with identical movesets. The only difference (battle wise) is the breed. For the 4 cats that have a breed choice, only the Sand Kitten and the Snow Cub cannot be mimicked by any other breed. The Cheetah Cub is the fastest with 390 speed. The most powerful is the Cornish Rex Cat with 341 power. The healthiest is the B/B Snow Cub with 1481 health. The amount of health restored from using Devour increases with power.
Wish this one had been lacky and the cheeta tuff on the head and tail. It would have made is outstanding.Â
Got my rare one near 66,6 42,8. I believed the server time was 11 AM. (EU)
These beauties are awesome battle pets too! Cats are very underrated and  have an awesome self-heal, and it's better than another favorite pet, Chrominius, who only heals for 249. Cats heal for about 444 if you time Devour to kill the mob. I start with Rake, then Claw if the pet isn't low enough to kill with Devour, which hits twice. I frequently find my cat at 100% health at the end of the fight because of its strong heal. (My various cats are S/S)
It took me an hour to find a rare S/S one. Really good in soloing ^^
battled with every claw I've met but still can't find a rear - -!
Cleaning up someone elses skinning and came across an Uncommon in Thorn Hill at 62 - 56. 11:00P server time
Found under a tree at 49.23, 70.03. Â Just stumbled across it as I was leveling some other low pets. Â Rare on the first drop at ~ 11:00pm realm time.
Was leaving from Ratchet to gather Kor'Kron supplies for Little Gaz and spotted this little guy with its mother under the first tree to the right of the path heading West out of the town, (sorry no coordinates). Â On a whim I decided to battle quick and it turned out to be a rare! Â Time was about 11 pm.
I found my rare easily as well! Northern Barrens 43.04 55.19, under a tree. :D
I found my rare easily at 1:20am server time, under a tree in Northern Barrens, at 53.8, 65.3.
Happy Hunting =)
Thanks a lot for the tip about a rare at 41,18 in Southern Barrens! Can confirm that it works, found a rare one there. =)
Found this little beauty SE of Crossroads on my way to Ratchet around 1:00am (too excited to remember to write down exact time/location-sorry) under a tree with a whole pride of lions! They must have adopted her because I could not find her mother anywhere. First rare pet I found and didn't even know battle pets had ratings other than poor until her. Beacause of this little cub I found in order to figure out what rare means in pet lingo. I owe her so much.  Â
Read on another message board that they spawn under trees with "their mother." This helped a lot in finding them. I found about 6-7 poors before I found a rare. Found it south of the Staganat Oasis just south of the building shown on the map. (on Hellscream at about 12:20 AM)
Just got him at 35,57. Uncommon
YAY!! Got a rare :-D 3:24am (41,18) Bloodscalp
Found my rare lvl 10 at Southern Barrens, under a big tree right next to the Great Divide (41,17).
found this lil guy behide a tree with its mommy and i was very lucky i got it striaght after i got the youge harpling it was like right next to that area =]
I spotted this cub on the minimap using the flightpath from orgrimmar to thunder bluff, so i immediately returned to catch it. It was my first pet catch, and it was a rare!Â