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Apology to Blizzard

May 18, 2009
Last October, I created a Cafepress store to sell T-shirts and other sundries to help support the cost of running this site. Merchandise included the WarcraftPets logo and some other pet-related artwork. At the time, I had seen other fansites selling similar items using their own artwork based on Blizzard’s creations. I mistakenly took this as a sign that selling such merchandise was acceptable without fully reviewing Blizzard's copyright and trademark policy.

Since that time, I remained unaware that what I was selling was violating Blizzard's policy. Yesterday, for the first time since opening the store, I became aware of my dire mistake. I’ve been trying to put things right ever since.

As of today, all merchandise at the WarcraftPets store has been purged and the store itself has been permanently closed.

I have nothing but the utmost respect for what the people at Blizzard have created. Their works have been an ongoing inspiration to me for over a decade. Therefore, I take my lapse in judgment very seriously. I never intended any ill will by my actions. It is my sincere hope that I will continue to receive Blizzard’s blessing as I develop the WarcraftPets fansite, and in turn support an enthusiastic community of companion collectors.

In light of the store's closure, the 2nd place prize for our Ad-It-Up Contest has been replaced with a "second choice" variation of the 1st place prize.
Posted by Breanni
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