WarcraftPet's Meet-and-Greet!
The entire WarcraftPets admin team will be holding a casual and fun Meet-and-Greet at Blizzcon 2011. Come socialize with Breanni (Brian), Doobjanka (Curtis), Weena (James), and Quintessence (Amanda), as well as other fellow WarcraftPets community members and pet collectors. Our good friend from WoWTCGLoot.com, Steve, will also be joining us in the festivities. Add your WarcraftPets username to our sign-in sheet for a chance to receive some cool loot giveaways!
Our meet up is tentatively scheduled, but be sure to follow our Twitter just in case there are any last minute changes or announcements.
WHEN: Friday, 4-5 PM
WHERE: Realm Meetings section
LOOK FOR: A WarcraftPets sign / admins wearing white WarcraftPets T-shirts
Everyone is welcome to stop by and say hello! We look forward to meeting you and putting a face with the username.

Much like last year's Blizzcon, this year FigurePrints will be presenting a new FigurePet. This year's feature figurine will be Deathy, a must have to add to any FigurePets collection, but supplies are limited so get him while he's "hot"! If you're attending BlizzCon, visit FigurePrints booth to purchase your Deathy FigurePet. If you've purchased the live stream, you might still be able to acquire him from the online BlizzCon store.
We look forward to seeing you at BlizzCon!