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Collection Import Bug After Patch 5.4.7

February 20, 2014
UPDATE: It looks as though the bug may have been fixed. If you continue to experience an error when reimporting your collection, please post about it here.

There's currently an issue with the Armory affecting anyone who attempts to update their pet collection. It's a glitch on Blizzard's end following the release of patch 5.4.7 on Tuesday, February 18th.

How does this affect you?
When you try to update your collection on our site, you'll likely receive a "Character unavailable" error. Typically this indicates a problem with your Armory profile. If you were to try to pull your profile up in the Armory, chances are, it won't load.

Armory error
Blasted murlocs!

The error must be fixed on Blizzard's end before you will be able to successfully import your pet collection and correctly reflect your in-game progress.

When will it be fixed?
Blizzard is aware of the problem and currently looking for a solution. For more information, check the following thread on the official WoW forums:

Discussion of this Issue in WoW General Forum

There's no ETA on a fix, but they are working it. So hopefully SOON™

We apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, this issue is out of our control.

Why not bring back the WCP Addon?
With the increase in realm merges and Armory errors following those merges, more and more of our users have been running into issues when trying to (re)import their collections.

It's been suggested that we restore the WarcraftPets Express Addon that we used to offer to enable importing via a unique code assigned in-game by the addon.

We may consider this option. But for now, our hope is that Blizzard will continue to repair and maintain the Armory, as it offers our site (and many others) data and functionality that would be difficult to replicate via an addon alone. More info
Posted by Breanni
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I have a suggestion that may be easier than reimplementing the app. You are able to add checkboxes for new pets sold in store, so why not just add all pets via this method? I realise that somebody may cheat and add pets they don't have, but they would only be cheating themselves if they did. And my experience from this site is that people are honest and serious pet collectors. In the meantime those of us who are having issues with armory can still keep their lists updated. Just a thought.

Nov 23, 2018 at 11:40am | Edits: 0 | Khaz'goroth-us | Pets: 1264 Compare collections | Score: 10104
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