Curious Oracle Hatchling

Curious Oracle Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and occasionally jumps and catches a fly.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Wrath of the Lich King expansion required.
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009
World Event: Children's Week
Quest: Back To The Orphanage

Curious Oracle Hatchling
Item Level 1
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss a Curious Oracle Hatchling.
This pet is rewarded via the mail after completing a chain of Children's Week quests that begin in Northrend with the quest Little Orphan Roo of the Oracles. This quest may be accessed by characters level 70+. Take a look at our detailed walkthrough for help obtaining this pet.
Level 0:

The questline for this pet was one of my favorite WoW experiences of all time, and the Oracle is a top-tier character model. I keep little Jaleet with me at all times as my companion pet.
@Illumnati : The journal limit of 3 is not a mistake, it's just a very odd case. You are correct that you can no longer add any more to your journal once you have the curious oracle hatchling and curious wolvar hatchling, but people who already had more than one of either before the pet journal consolidation at the launch of Mists were allowed to keep them and can use more than one on a pet battle team.
Any subsequent completions of the questline either with the same character on a following year or a different character during the same year has a different reward. You can only have one Curious Oracle Hatchling and one Curious Wolvar Pup in your pet journal ... unless you already had more than one prior to the launch of Mists of Panderia. Also to note is that once you add the pet to your journal, there is currently no way to remove it. [Update: Thank you @Flibbit]
Adding my vote up for this adorable little guy.
One tiny P.S. I'm not sure what about a bug diet gives him such bad breath but, just turn him loose on dragonkin, he wilts them like nothing I've ever seen.
@Druzy Wow, I did not know that! Should actually work IMO... but interesting...
As much as I love this companion, and he's part of my main team, Fridge Horror sets in when I realize I'm essentially training my adopted son to be a street brawler.
this is a great companion... but none of you mention that if you click it it will gurgle in about 5 different ways AND sometimes there is a burp and sometimes he will fart!! OMG that is the cutest thing and very, very funny. I cant get on my main every time im on without listening to that fart! :D
One word of caution: Aged Yolk used against Apocolypse is instant death for those cute little guy; apparently a lesson I need to learn repeatedly.
When I found out I could get an Oracle Hatchling I was thrilled! I was in a guild called Order of the Murloc at the time and while I couldn't have Lurky or Murky, I could have a murloc relative a Gorloc. The guild eventually disbanded but my Oracle Hatching remained and it reminds me of the Mrlgahalagahraga's we'd type as hello's and makes me smile.
I love your story Tiessa. So funny. Now everytime that I get to LK in his raid I'm gonna say in the chat "Hello Uncle Lich!" LOL
Very cool pet he jumps up and catches flies often :P
Made me sad to leave Roo at the orphanage so getting this pet made me very happy :P
Stupid puppy-men...
In the mean time he start taking lessons from the Squire on how to properly carry pennants. If he is good I might let him ride a pony.
And finally someone to take care of all those Aged Egg Yolks.