Stormwind Rat

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

I didn't find any Stormwind rats either in Stormwind or Elwinn Forest during the day, but I found them in Elwynn forest at night after 10:30 PM CST.  Not sure if these are nocturnal only pets or if it was just bad RNG on my part.Â
OK, So I have a Stormwind Rat, But when it is Rezzed out, it looks like a Bear, No matter how many times I rez it and battle it It still looks like a Baby Blizzard Bear, and I got one Day when a buncha SW Rats where BearLooking, they were all in one area, and stayed there and after killed would respawn as Bears, so I captured one, it is still to this day A Baby Blizzard Bear looking thing, So I propose it become a pet on this forum, as it does not seem to be a glitch. Just differant
There are a few available in Elwyn Forest if you are Horde and don't want to roll an Alliance toon. It will be hard to get a rare though ....
Interestingly enough, I just got a poor breed of P/S - which is not listed at all using Battle Pet BreedID addon so when you're looking at it the designation is (???) but once I select it in my list the P/S shows up in yellow text. These are lvl 1 btw. #s in () are at lvl 25
P/S - Poor Quality
H- 142 (1100)
P- 8 (210)
S- 9 (235)
The easiest way to get one as a Horde player is to create a human character.