Redridge Rat

Grooms face, sniffs air, and wanders around.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

Found at entrance to cave near Keeshan's post
I read other people have had luck in the area around Keeshan's Post (North East) around the Gnoll camps too. I swapped to the recommended location and I got a rare relatively fast after checking and killing every wrong thing. Make sure to check the secondary slots too, because I got mine as a secondary pet to a [Roach]. Before this I was farming all around the map twice with my boyfriend helping me out and we were unable to find one until this 3rd trip. I hope this helps! Thank you~
I got my rare Redridge Rat at 70,38 Galardell Valley (primary pet) after I checked every single battle pet, Redridge Rats or not, on my first sweep through the area and killed all of them when I saw they weren't what I wanted.
Levelled about 50 pets from 5-8 looking for this rat, after levelling from 1-5 in SW against the rats there. Finally worked out there were no rare ones to be found around the Fledgling Buzzards and moved just to the east of the center of the map to an orc camp where the rats were primary. Captured a rare there quite quickly. 100s of linen and wool cloth for the guild bank for bandages and the tailors, while levelling my pets was reward for looking in the wrong place.
best counter i would say anubisath or any huminiod and or dread hatchling or anyflying because the rat will do no damage
Found a rare as a secondary to a roach in the north of Redridge, surrounded by buzzards. Â Taken me a while to find one so was glad to finally do so :)
Lots and lots and lots of searching. I finally just stayed right above the village (sorry don't know the name not an ally) and went after buzzards and cottontails. If they were level 4 or below just killed them, but would battle the 5/6 ones. The occasional RRat would pop, usually in the gnoll camps, as I assume they are messy eaters and drop food. Got several as secondaries and finally a rare as a buzzard secondary.
I looked in the eastern half of Redridge 3 different days, spending around 4 hours battling all pets. I finally found my rare in the western half of the map, a little northeast of Tower of Ilgalar (looking at the icon on the map). It was a secondary to a Mountain Cottontail.
I found my rare as a seconday to a Fledgling Buzzard. I was in the zone about 30 mins just battling every pet. In that time I was able to get a rare of each pet, the Rat being the last I needed. Good luck to all. Also I noticed several people commenting that they killed theirs; try using a Terrible Turnip when farming low lvl pets. It's first move is unable to take a target below 1 health. :)
So here's my story, I found one of these Rare quality scuttling about the alliance tents near Keshan's Post. These are low level ofcourse and don't have alot of health. I pop out my lvl 15 Minfernal, ready for the challenge, but in my excitement I used immolate. Very cute idea ofcourse until I used crush, which didn't kill it at first. Ofcourse it decided to attack, and the little health it had left CRITTED off of him by immolate. I think I died a bit today.
After three days of searching, I finally found mine: crawling around the feet of what i'm pretty sure is a stationary npc, standing between the bones of some large animal. The npc is Rabid Shadowhide Gnoll by Keeshan's Post. I hope this helps!
This is quite possibly one of the hardest rares I've hunted so far. The tips about them being mostly in the gnoll camps is totally correct and that is where I eventually found a rare one (the camp near the FP). Got a very few as secondaries but they were all poor.
entered battle with mountain cottontail...had rare RR as second yay! suddenly changed to gray...ugh what gives!!
Found a poor quality one by itself near all of the sleeping worgen at Alther's Mill
Found mine in the gnoll camps in Three Corners (south-western corner of Redridge)Â after a good deal of searching.
Got my rare by battling a Mountain Cottontail and the Redridge showed up as a secondary. Took many battles with no luck of a rare, but be patient! :)
First one I battled had 2 rats in one fight one of them being a rare. Which I killed :( havent found another rare since.
Keeshan's Post was successful for me. There appears to be about 3 rats as primary spawns. I got my rare at 67.32 at 12.15 pm (Oceanic) after about 20 minutes. I also battled all other types as the rat can also be a second.
Your best chance of finding one in Redridge Mountains is around Keeshan's Post (upper right corner of the map) where the Gnoll camps are. There are also several Mountain Cottontails and Roaches who tend to have them as back-up. The respawn is also quite fast. I found my rare there, a lvl 4 with 257 health. I didn't expect it to be rare since I battled several lvl 5 rats with 306 health and they turned out uncommon. Good luck!
Found one as a second to a battle with a lvl 5 Roach. Poor quality, but I'll take it for now seeing as it was the only one I could find after sweeping the zone 3 times.