Elder Python

Looks around, sniffing air with tongue.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
Level 0:

1-16 of 16
1-16 of 16

Everybody needs at least one of him. His bites are strong. Good against almost all pve critters or humanoids.
To captue him is also really easy, just use any flying or mechanical pets (be careful not to kill the snake though).
This critter is pretty good paired up with Kovok and healing pet combo. A very underrated pet.
I am curious to try Sting, Poison Fang, and Slither. If the Poisons stack it would allow Slither to let another slower pet get off a damage buff. 5 and 6 rounds of a DoT is no joke. Might want to consider a Alterac Brew-Pup(The Good stuff and Call of the Pack), Ghastly Rat(Rabid), Ghost Maggot(Plagued Blood to heal up the Python), or Infected squirrel(Rabid and Stampede)
I agree with Gruhm and Yek - H/H is the way to go!
I'm with Gruhm here. H/H is the way to go, with Poison Fang/Huge Fang/Slither. 305 speed is not that great for a Beast family pet anymore, you got lots of speedier mechanicals and 341 speed death adders out there. The extra health is important, you will keep beast racial up much longer. Huge Fang ramps up quick and with beast racial it hits very hard. Only annoying part is 85% hit of Slither. Poison Fang is great against any mechanical you face, like Mechanical Pandaren Dragonlings. Solid pet!
Got a rare H/S breed after about an hour of battling. Liking it so far, might be a decent pet for PvP with Poison Fang, Sting and Slither.
Also, this pet has two different color patterns, black/gray one and green/light green one.
I have a lot of snakes, but for some reason this one appealed enough to me to level him up, and wow. I use him as a staple for the Fabled fights against Nitun and Kwai the Gorger. He doesn't have anything super 'fancy' but he's a good, solid linebacker. :)
I tamed one of these rare, a few weeks ago came in the purple/grey which I enjoyed & named after a gaming buddy, well been using it between my A & H characters for battles & noticed it's now green/yellow coloration, I don't know why it changed colors. Â I've tried summong & dismissing, still green :( Â Gotta find a rare purple again I guess
I was really suprised by how good this pet is. I'm using an H/H version as part of one of my PvP teams and he's very solid. I use Poison Fang, Huge Fang, and Slither and he stands up great to just about anything and is able to dish out really decent damage even without being a 'P'ower breed.
No finesse here just real strong contender when the bout turns into a slugfest.
I didn't make note of exactly where I got my Rare (likely around Diremoor somewhere), but it was a secondary on a fight I'd engaged simply to see if I could get a battlestone to drop. It's the green-dark indigo skinned python which I promptly named a translation of 'Jade Shadow' and levelled to 25.
I haven't actually max leveled a snake before. This one is 24 currently and an all hp breed. He seems pretty good battle-wise. Against critters anyway. I'm hoping next load of Tamers to battle will have some Humanoids, but that's unrelated to this little dude of course as he won't do so well there lol
Got my rare by Court of Bones, after battling about 3 of them. Had an uncommon b4 the rare. Very nice looking snake! Best one imo, other than the albino or temple.
Just got one of these beuties today. First one I engaged was rare too, so no rare hunting on these guys for me. Makes an excellent addition to my team.
Battled a few before getting my rare...yes, first day :) Pretty much standard for snake in battle but looks very cool. Â Can't really see well when by my side...kinda small. Â Though that may be just my screen size.:)
I've been waiting for this one! Â As someone who keeps snakes irl I ADORE this model. SO detailed and gorgeous, I just love them to bits! Â I haven't gotten my rare yet, but I got a green uncommon and a black uncommon. Â I think there's supposed to be a brown one too but I haven't seen one yet. But pretty sure there's 3 color morphs of this beauty.
Night before Patch day... and I came in to double-check what I needed to do first once the patch had finished downloading. Saw this pet and immediately went "That, that right there". IRL or in WoW I would totally want this pet all the time. Need it, want it, will put it in a team just to get it to level 25... Gorgeous! Massive props to Blizz for this lovely model!
Now have a rare of both skins! (Gotta put one or both in a team, I think, lol.)