
A Jubling's Tiny Home
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Catches flies and jumps.
ยป Video
Vocalizations (on-click and while moving)
Drinks from Dark Iron Ale Mug.
3 allowed
Patch 1.11.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007
Quest: Spawn of Jubjub [1]
Zone: Darkmoon Faire

A Jubling's Tiny Home
Item Level 35
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your Jubling.
This quest is available at The Darkmoon Faire. The Darkmoon Faire location alternates between Mulgore, Elwynn Forest, and Terokkar Forest. Completing the quest rewards you with an [Unhatched Jubling Egg] which will become [A Jublings Tiny Home] in seven real-time days. Much like Disgusting Oozeling, if you offer a [Dark Iron Ale Mug] to this pet, it will eagerly move toward it and lap it up.

I wasn't even expecting this. I was cleaning out my bank junk and I noticed a cracked egg I clicked it and I had a pet.ย
Just found out about this little guy, last week... waited for the DMF to be up, it is, and I had 11 of the Dark Iron Ale Mugs, found Morja at way 55.9, 70.7... set the mug down in front of her, then went to see if I could see Jubjub, when I got back she had the ! over head... so for those wondering, yes, as of 4/2/2023 Jubjub is still obtainable. Have the egg in my bag ready to hatch in 7 days.
Just found out about this lil guy. Couldn't find him anywhere though and didn't come for my ale. Wondering if the addition of the arcade screwed this up a little.
This lil guy looks to be a strawberry poison dart frog. The toxin on their skin was used to cover blow darts by Native Americans hence the nameย
I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but if you are in a party with someone you can BOTH earn a Jubling at the same time. The way we did it (totally by accident) was:
All members of the party need at least 1 Ale, and you have to actually be in a party.
Find Jubjub
Keep in contact with each other
After Morja says her thing, start the Quest as usual
One person handles the Ale luring
When the ! appears over Morja, each party member can swap an Ale for Jubling!
1. Go to Black Rock Depths and buy 10 Dark Iron Ale from Plugger Spazzling, you can reload dungeon to buy 10 more if you want to be extra covered
2. Go to Darkmoon Faire, locate Morja by first aide, no quest yet
3. Look for Jubjub in the forest on the East side of the faire, if she is far away then you will have to use the ale like bait to lure her back to Morja, making sure to keep one for the quest turn in
5. When you place an ale at Morja feet she offers a quest to trade 1 ale for Jubling egg
I only needed one mug. Set it right in front of Morja and wait.ย
Can just get them from the auction house and do the quest? ย I solo'd through blackrock depths to get the ale as a level 60 hunter, wasnt too bad, only died once ;) ย If you dont see jubjub after a little while you can walk out behind the pen to see if he is coming. ย Then just go back and wait at mojra.
yheap 2 ales is all you need
and if you take 2ย mugs off the bar before buying the extra 10. if you take 3 the bar tender gets angry soย best to take 2 buy 10 then take all the rest 15 in total send 2x ale mugs to freinds
any that are left over sell on AH for a couple of gold each
You only need two of the mugs.ย Put one down by her feet and no matter how far her frog is, he will come find her.ย Be patient cuz the farther the frog is, the longer it takes to hop all the way to her.ย Keep watching though, cuz if you dont pay attention, she will offer the egg for the purchase of the other mug quickly, found that out the hard way after getting distractedย and needed a third for that one lol
Went and got him last Saturday (still waiting for the egg to hatch). Had a rogue alt go get 10 ale which only took a few minutes. It only takes 2, but wanted enough for my wife and friends, etc. and 10 is the max you can buy at a go.
Anyway, I am guess that when you put down the first ale, that the quest must become visible to everyone in the area, because within moments of dropping it I was surrounded by toons. I thought it was funny. Anyway can't wait for the little bugger to hatch.
Like some have said before, all you really need is 2 ale's.ย I put one in front of morja and just waited.ย i thoughtย I did something wrong but in bout 30 secs he hopped over and Iย got the quest with my other ale.
I did this with 3 ales. ย One to start. ย A second as an insurance policy. ย Then a third to trade Morja for the egg. ย Now for the week's wait to hatch the egg. ย I used the Direbrew remote to quickly get the ales. ย BTW, these ales are not soulbound, so you can email them between toons. ย Also, the vendor only sells 10, but there are another 5 that you can loot from the table if you want to get as many as possible at once.ย
Just got this done. You only need 2 ales to get this done. If your travelling in to blackrock depths you mighs as well buy 10. You need to place 1 ale at Morja's feet. The frog will then come. Wait 4 quest to pop up then place another 1 to receive the pet. Hope this helps.
The fact that this pet is the only Alcohol consuming pet in game, made me name mine "Janis Jubling". This pet truely deserves an upgrade.
Tip: If you keep some Dark Iron Ale Mug's in your stash, you can allways share a cold one with Jubling.