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New Pet? You Decide…

April 09, 2008
Goblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-B
There's a new loot item available through the TCG expansion Servants of the Betrayer: Goblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-B. When clicked, it summons one of four different weather effects over the head of its owner. Like most small pets, the weather effect follows along with its owner and does not affect combat.

But is it a true small pet?
At least one other database site lists this item as a small pet. But I think they've got it wrong. Why? Because WoW's in-game mechanics don't consider this weather entity a small pet. You can activate it without unsummoning your current small pet. Players have only ever been able to activate one small pet at a time (bugs aside). Therefore, the game clearly does not define this entity as a small pet. Plus it cannot be selected, so it doesn't have the in-game tag of "companion" like every other small pet. To me, this is more of a neat device rather than a pet.

So should I add it to the site?
I recognize that some of you may wish to add this "pet" to your collections. So I've chosen to let you decide. I'm asking all of you diehard collectors to vote with your opionion.

The final decision
On the evening of April 15, 2008, after one week of voting, I'll be closing this topic and I'll tally the results. If the majority of people agree that this item should be considered a small pet, then I'll add it to the site.

UPDATE: Voting for this topic has been closed.
Posted by Breanni
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