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Rustberg Gull and More New Cataclysm Pets

September 07, 2010
Rustberg Gull
A swarm of new pets has made its way into the most recent Cataclysm beta build. Only one of these has been confirmed in-game—the Rustberg Gull. This sea bird is sold by a vendor in Tol Barad named Brazie (wares pictured here).

The associated faction is "Baradin's Wardens" and currently the gull is sold for 4g without any reputation requirement, but this may change before the expansion's release. Special thanks to Ashiritan for the screenshots.

Armadillos and more!
Baby Armadillo
Even more pets have popped up in this last patch, including one that I've personally wanted for years—a Baby Armadillo!

So far, the only item discovered that teaches this pet offers the brown variety pictured here, but there are other colors as well. Time will tell whether these other variations might be offered as pets too. No details yet as to how this armadillo is obtained, but we'll keep you posted when we know more.

Several items that teach new pets have also turned up in the game files, but none of these have been confirmed in-game. So don't be too disappointed if they never make it into the expansion when it ships.

  • Hardboiled Egg - we have no clue what this summons.
  • Pebble - a pet rock, perhaps?
  • And several baby turtles, including Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Leatherback, Albino and Olive. Note that these turtle files are not new. Some of them have appeared in the game files for years, but since they showed up again in the most recent beta build, we thought it worth mentioning.

Portable Pet Mansion?
Lastly, a strange new container appeared in the game files—Whizzlespark's Portable Pet Mansion. It appears to be a 24-slot bag. The description says, "Automated feeding, watering, bathing, and waste removal. Petting not included."

Back in the pre-Wrath days when pets were still summoned by items, such a bag would've made sense. But nowadays? Very curious...
Posted by Breanni
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