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Realm and Faction Search

May 09, 2009
Member Search Online!
NEW FEATURE! Members of WarcraftPets are now able to find others on their server via our new member search! This powerful feature allows you to find pet collectors by region, realm and faction. You can also more easily find your friends when you search for them by username. To begin taking advantage of this new tool, you'll want to update your account with your character name, region, realm, and faction.

To coordinate in-game trades, cross-faction deals, and pet collecting runs with others on your server, you need to be found! We offer several tips to help you get noticed. Be sure to give them a read.

Out With the Old...
Implementing this feature took some time. Originally I'd hoped to have it up by early 2009. But to do it right, I wanted to weave it into existing features. In addition to member profiles, realm data can now be seen on other popular pages, like our latest comments and Top 50 Collections list.

To make way for the new, a few older features had to get the boot. Our index of site members was removed, as was the ability to track your location. If you'd like to keep your location on file, feel free to add it to your bio.

For now, we're only able to support US and EU realms. A few EU realms that use foreign language sets, such as Russian, are also not supported. This is due to language barriers and limitations of our site-building software.

Additionally, remember that the full power of this tool won't be realized until thousands of members have had the chance to update their accounts with their realms. Be patient. Good times lie ahead!

Special Thanks
I'd like to extend a special thanks to my wife who, despite her lack of programming knowledge, took the time to help me with some of the most tedious coding. I'd also like to thank our MVPs—the recent influx of donations has been both uplifting and inspiring. Again, thank you.
Posted by Breanni
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