NEW PET! Brewfest will be starting soon for many of us, though players on Oceanic realms have already begun the festivities, which include racing rams, capturing Wolpertingers, hunting pink elekks, battling Dark Iron dwarves and, of course, consuming massive amounts of alcohol! During this event you can earn Brewfest Prize Tokens, used to purchase many different seasonal items, including the all-new
Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm!
In other news, some of you might recall that last year the
Wolpertinger was changed from a quested pet to a vendored pet, available for 50 silver. Many of us were saddened to see the
original quest removed. Well, good news! As of Brewfest 2009, the quest has been restored!
We wish you a Brewtastic Brewfest. Let the pet collecting commence!