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Patch 5.3: Known Issues for Pet Collectors

May 30, 2013
It's been a little over a week since 5.3 was released. We'd like to remind you about a couple of known issues that will hopefully be resolved in the near future.

Patch 5.3: Known Issues for Pet Collectors
Longest Day Achievement
Many players are reporting that they are not receiving the reward for completing the achievement The Longest Day. Additionally, the achievement may not be behaving as intended, and it may not correctly log completed dailies.

Developers are working on a fix, but in the meantime players that have fulfilled the necessary requirements for the achievement can submit a ticket and request the reward. [source]

Opening Too Many Bags
At the start of Patch 5.3, opening one too many Tamer bags resulted in a three day account suspension. This was a (possibly unintended) side effect of a hotfix to curb an unrelated exploit also involving opening loot containers.

Since then, Mumper has stated on Twitter in regards to this issue,

"We are proactively reviewing any account that received suspensions for opening multiple loot bags and will overturn as unnecessary."

Players have petitioned their suspensions and most have been reviewed and the suspension overturned. In a few cases the game time was refunded to eligible players.

Although Blizzard has taken step to ensure players are not wrongly punished, opening many Tamer bags may still trigger a temporary account ban, so it is advisable to open any loot bags as you receive them rather than accumulating and opening many at once.
Posted by Quintessence
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