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Mysterious New Pets

July 29, 2008
Mystery Pets
Other database sites have turned up a list of acceptable pets for WotLK achievements that involve collecting X vanity pets. Many of you have contacted me to share this list, but not all of these pets are new. So I decided to report them here to set the record straight about which ones are possible new pets.

Here's the list of what many collectors believe are new WotLK pets, along with my comments:

  1. Baby Shark - NEW WotLK "Baby Shark" pet.
  2. Competitor's Souvenir - NEW non-WotLK pet (China only); recently added to this site.
  3. Fortune Coin - not new; Korea-only pet; listed on this site.
  4. Frosty's Collar - NEW WotLK CE pet "Frost Wyrm Whelp".
  5. Ghostly Skull - unknown pet; could be NEW.
  6. Gold Medallion - NEW non-WotLK pet; recently added to this site.
  7. Golden Pig Coin - not new; China-only pet; listed on this site.
  8. Green Dragon Orb - not new; China-only pet; listed on this site.
  9. Orange Murloc Egg - unknown pet; likely a promotional pet (not necessarily new).
  10. Polar Bear Collar - not new; China-only pet; listed on this site.
  11. Red Dragon Orb - not new; China-only pet; listed on this site.
  12. Silver Pig Coin - not new; China-only pet; listed on this site.
  13. Vampiric Batling - unknown pet; could be NEW.
  14. White Murloc Egg - unknown pet; likely a promotional pet (not necessarily new).
  15. White Tiger Cub - unknown pet; could be NEW.

In addition to these, there have been unconfirmed rumors of penguins and scarabs. Rest assured, I'll be adding official news of any confirmed new WotLK pets here.
Posted by Breanni
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