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Help Wanted

August 16, 2008
In the past month, the traffic on this site has exploded! The number of members has doubled to over 7,000 and there are roughly 100 new members every day. When WotLK is released and vanity pets become spells for everyone, I expect those numbers to jump even higher. It's gotten to the point where it's just too much for me to handle alone.

Two new Site Admins
By mid-September, I'm hoping to have two additional Site Admins. Each will be responsible for maintaining and moderating different aspects of the site. However, all three of us will coordinate our efforts to give active members and one-time visitors alike the best experience possible. Remember, this is a voluntary position, akin to an internship. Admins will not be given any monetary compensation for their help, but I'd be happy to write an excellent letter of

How can I volunteer?
If you'd like to volunteer your time as a Site Admin, the first step is to submit the application form. Yes, it's long. Yes, I know you're applying to help with a fansite, not to join the But a lengthy screening process will ensure that only the most qualified volunteers are considered.

I'll be accepting and reviewing applications for the next two weeks. After that point, I'll narrow my selection to a handful of qualified volunteers. Those individuals will be interviewed via phone, and the two strongest candidates will be given the positions.

UPDATE: As of August 28th, I am no longer accepting applications. If you applied, you will be hearing from me soon.
Posted by Breanni
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