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NEW Pet: That's No Ordinary Rabbit!

September 02, 2012
The Darkmoon Faire is back and open for business! As of Patch 5.0.4, though, something new and terrifying has taken residence inside the cave on the island.

Darkmoon Rabbit
In a nod to Monty Python, the Darkmoon Rabbit is a new level 93 world raid boss that has roughly 174 million hitpoints. It randomly spawns in the Darkmoon Cave, which is located on the south eastern tip of the island.

Although this rabbit might seem cute and cuddly, it's actually quite ferocious. The Darkmoon Rabbit hits fairly hard and will periodically place a debuff on players which causes loss of control of the character and reduces healing done to said player by 100%. It's a killer!

Once defeated, the Darkmoon Rabbit will drop a companion of the same name. Since only one pet can be looted per kill, those in a party or raid will need to roll for the companion. However, this pet is BoU so it can be traded or sold.

Additionally, players involved in the encounter will receive the achievement That Rabbit's Dynamite!
Posted by Quintessence
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