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Clarification On Seasonal Pets, Like the Qiraji Guardling

March 22, 2013
Qiraji Guardling
"Winter" as we know it officially ended recently, and although the Snowy Owl has gone back into hibernation, the Qiraji Guardling has yet to start spawning.

Cory "Mumper" Stockton clarified on Twitter about the status of the Guardling companion:

"The Qiraji Guardling will be available in the summertime. Still a few months to go."

So when exactly can we expect to see the Guardling in Silithus?

Real-world summer starts in June in the northern hemisphere, however it's entirely possible for this wild pet to start spawning a month earlier. If this is the case, it would match up with the Snowy Owl, who made its first appearance one month prior to our real-world winter.

We will just have to wait and see!

Pets Not On the Fish Time-schedule
The speculation that these two pets would follow a similar (if not exact) pattern as the Summer Bass and Winter Squid doesn't seem to hold true, and now we have confirmation of this from Cory:

"Seasonal pets will follow the pre-existing seasons starting in patch 5.3. Note that the existing fish are available for spring/summer and fall/winter. The pets are available only in the Summer and Winter seasons so the dates are not the exact same." [source 1/2] [source 2/2]

So although the fish don't seem to mind the extra heat/cold, the Snowy Owl and Qiraji Guardling must have more particular tastes in seasons!
Posted by Quintessence
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