It should be noted that some pets are not mentioned, such as Crusher, Left Shark and a few others. However, these pets are expected to make an appearance in the upcoming patch.
List of all 6.2 PTR pets
Two Ultra-Rare Pets?
New in Blizzard's 6.2 Pet Preview are the Crimsonwing Moth and the Sapphire Firefly. According to Blizzard these two wild pets will have a unique spawn pattern, similar to that of the Unborn Val'kyr.
- Crimsonwing Moth -- A rare spawn in Talador with many spawn points, and only one ever appearing in the zone at a time.
- Sapphire Firefly – A rare spawn in Spires of Arak who also has many spawn points and appears only once at a time.
The location of these pets and how often they will appear is still unknown.
Currently the Crimsonwing Moth and Sapphire Firefly have yet to be added to the Pet Journal on the PTR, but we will announce any updates so stay tuned for more information.
Looks like this one will wait til I have flying so I can camp spawn points from above.
Similar to the Nightmare Bell pet, I'm still waiting for an "Arcane Outhouse" battle pet; a blue box that has a white crescent moon window and a glowy light on top that makes it hover, like the Warcraft version of the TARDIS. Make it happen, Blizz! :D
To answer your question, the max number of battle pets you can have is 1k now. this still makes it now that I cant collect all 3 parts of the murtury, but it still can be fun :)
It's worth it for another recolored Moth and Fly but rare like a Valkyrie? Nothing peculiar expect how hard will be to catch it? :/
We're talking as rare as Unborn Valkyr in a zone where you can't fly?
Damn, it will take extreme luck to get one...
New rare pets - quite cool. New rare pets using mega-common skins - not so cool...