We have some good news from the PTR! The new achievement, Lil' Game Hunter, which will be added in Patch 3.0.8, now only requires players to collect 75 pets, instead of the originally reported 100. The reward, [Little Fawn's Salt Lick], summons an adorable baby deer. Those of you who loved having your own temporary Bambi (thanks to
Critter Bites) can now rejoice for your new "forever fawn"! This leaves the 100-pet achievement reward open for some other to-be-determined pet.
*coughs* orangemurlocplease
Also, as mentioned in previous posts,
Peddlefeet will be harder to obtain during this year's Love is in the Air event because the Pledges of Adoration that yield him will be bind-on-pickup. However, the requirement of obtaining Peddlefeet for the
Fool For Love achievement has been removed. I'm sure this is very welcome news to those of you trying for the achievement
What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been (not to mention its
sweet Violet Proto-Drake reward)!