Aborella's Comments
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Re: Rabid Nut Varmint 5000
Just confirming these definitely spawn as one of the alpine hare's battle partners. I got one on my 4th alpine hare battle.
Posted: November 05, 2012 10:16:30 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
Re: Firefly
This dropped for me today on my 139th bog needler kill. I've been farming it by running along the row of bog needlers every time I head to the instances in the area. I've found combining rep running instances, herb picking (sangine hibiscus in this case for Sporegar rep) & pet farming helps keep boredom away ;-)
Posted: February 06, 2012 6:20:36 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Jubling
Just confirming this pet is still available. You don't need many ales (I used 4) but sometimes she is a long way away from her owner so I'd suggest taking 10.
Posted: February 05, 2012 4:30:42 PM
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Rating: +1
19 runs (including 3 heroic) before this dropped for me. Great looking pet and fun to farm for. I remember doing MT after about 2 months of being L70 with my (then) guild. It was SO hard, and we wiped before we even got to the first boss the first 4 times we tried it, but now my feral druid prowls most of it and can do the whole instance in under 10 mins... times have changed. :-)
Posted: January 23, 2012 8:21:32 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: -2
1-4 of 4