Knockoff Blingtron

Knockoff Blingtron
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

I just solo'd Arcantus (DF world quest) with KO-bling.
Attack Set:
Got this from a Bling6000 that was near the mission table. Didn't even know about this pet and i was just trying to look at my completed lucky I misclicked on that Blingtron instead!
This post is over 2 years in the making. Being an obsessive pet collector & too tight to buy it, I farmed it to the point that I stopped playing main game. It started with my engineer, escalated to 10 trial accounts & a step closer to insanity with another 26 trial accounts & it finally dropped on one of these (grand total 5545 packages). Now I have to wait for a deal on the battle chest & upgrade that account so I can send it to my main. Rarity is way off with 1:200.
I just got it on my 110 paly and when I click on it to add, I get "Can't add companion to your account"
I got one like 10 minutes ago, first one i've had in 6 months of opening gift packages.
Been dropping a Blingtron everyday, cept the month I took off and no pet ...
This guy is a real powerhouse and when you need two blingtrons he pairs well with lil' bling.
I love this pet. I paid 250k for it, after trying every day for weeks to get it to drop. I like the rarity of it, even though it's a bit frustrating. Very cute though.
Engineers can now make a Rechargeable Reaves Battery that can be used over and over. It has a 30 minute cooldown. Once you make the Reaves Module: Bling mode to install in're all set. Every 30 minutes you can summon a Blingtron 6000 and it doesn't cost ANY mats. Right now, there is a Knockoff Bling on the AH on my server (Echo Isles) with a staggering price tag of 450k. Ugh.
Knockoff Blingtron is not on the loot tables for the gift box on Wowhead. Has anyone gotten this in game? I just opened a Bling 6k box and found a legendary ring :)
Anyway, the 5 felslate to summon is no big deal. I get it doing mining world quests, then make ten Reaves batteries at a time. I like that I can drop one without the cooldown the "toy" one has. They made it easier to get the recipe, I think, so you are seeing a lot more Bling 6000 around. Don't waste your daily quest on anything less than a 6k!