Iron Starlette

Iron Starlette
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Spins in place and idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click); clanking while moving
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
This pet was introduced in the 6.0 patch leading up to the release of the expansion, Warlords of Draenor.
Players must complete a quest chain in a revamped level 90+ portion of Blasted Lands, before returning to Stormwind or Orgrimmar to claim the pet.
The Iron Starlette is a pet-sized (and less deadly) version of a Kor'kron Iron Star, a large mechanical weapon used by engineers during the Garrosh Hellscream encounter in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Players must complete a quest chain in a revamped level 90+ portion of Blasted Lands, before returning to Stormwind or Orgrimmar to claim the pet.
The Iron Starlette is a pet-sized (and less deadly) version of a Kor'kron Iron Star, a large mechanical weapon used by engineers during the Garrosh Hellscream encounter in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Level 0:

Does anyone know how to turn in Warning Ogrimmar? High Overlord Saurfang is not in Ogrimmar in the throne room even though on my map it says he should be right there. I just started collecting and lvling battle pets. As this is one of the ones that is stated a must, I want it. Any help would be appreciated!
Very useful pet for WQs and pet dungeons, absolute trash in PVP. It's three round KO combo is just too slow. The other guy is just going to dodge or block or stun you. Most times when I see an Iron Starlette, I'm able to kill it without it doing a single point of damage to my team. So overrated.
Don't get my wrong, I'm glad this pet exists. But I keep finding myself asking, "then why did Fluxfire Feline have to die?" because this is just as bad of a "problem" (well, clearly it's not a problem, so what was it about Fluxfire, hmm Blizz? Too easy to catch, yet so powerful? Can't have that, eh? Ugh). So yeah, cool pet, I'm glad it's in the game. I just don't know why this exists, yet Fluxfire was nerfed into the ground.
Boom. And the enemy pet just died with one hit.
HELP! Is this pet still obtainable in Shadowlands, and how, on Alliance side?
I have only used the Iron Starlette for the instant KO strategy (since I just have the P/P version), and I reckon this is one of if not the BEST instant KO pets out there. The Wind-Up, Supercharge, Wind-Up combo works so effectively and turns a difficult fight into a piece of cake. Toxic Smoke is a great filler too. I have not used other breeds but the moveset this has really does go for maximum damage so im happy with the P/P as if it dies early its likely not the right pet for that fight.
In my experience, the best allrounder is the H/P. Its Power is usually enough and it has a noticeable Health reserve compared to the other P breeds, which can make the difference for one more hit.
Though I suggest to also have a P/P and a P/S ready, for certain fights where the extra Power or Speed is crucial.
The H/H is mainly useful for the max. Explosion damage, but I found that for non-Explosion fights the missing Power can be an issue.
This pet is a must-have! Breed in not that big deal if you are not going for goat setup, its really strong and powerfull 99% of time. I love it.
This battle pet is truly amazing! I am using my little Iron Starlette P/P to beat most Battle Pet World Quests in BfA. You can even solo a few of them with this pet. For example Bloodtusk can be one-shotted using: Wind-Up, Supercharge, Wind-Up.
I named my Iron Starlette Ragnarok, and for good reason. Any pet, ESPECIALLY Beast pets (when not classified as elite or otherwise unable to take more than a certain amount of damage per attack, such as Magic pets) can almost always be killed instantly with the Windup/Supercharge/Windup combo. This little devil quickly became an integral part of my pet arsenal for his sheer destructive power, and remains to be one of my favorite pets to use.
I just finished this quest chain on my level 115 character, 10/24/18 and received my Iron Starlette (H/P). Take the portal to Blasted Lands in Orgrimmar and Thrall should be right there when you arrive. He and another guy will have the quests you need to start the chain.
Iron Starlette is fantastic in a good half of the new bfa WQ battles. Regularly takes out 1.5+ of the enemy 3, makes all of the fights simple to win.
i can easily kill iron starlette with lil ragnaros
P/P is the only breed that matter with the Starlette, I have 3 of them and sometimes just use all 3 at once for the ultimate glass cannon. The fact that the windup/supercharge/windup release hits consistently for 1900 to 2700 damage makes this thing insanely OP, especially when you consider it has a free revive racial.
Can confirm pet is still available from quest as of 8/9/2017. Thing people are failing to mention are the quest starts at the Shattered Landing for the Horde from Thrall (I assume Alliance starts at Shattered Beach Head) which is where the portal to Blasted Lands puts you at.
Can you say Auction House!
It seems rediculous to me that this pet comes in multiple breeds, given that, as far as I know, you can only get one per character. You can repeat the quest on alts, but you have to be at least level 90, so finding the breed you want might take a really long time (unless you get lucky).
Wasn't the quest removed out of the game and is now unobtainable but through trad.
So, i can run the quest chain again and again until i get the breed i want, is that it?
Picked up 2 of these today. The first was a P/P so I'll keep that one. The second was mixed breed, so that will go up for auction. Now to snag an H/H.