Filthy Slime

Filthy Bucket
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Bubbles and idles about.
Bubbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Tol Dagor is a 5-man dungeon found east of Tiragarde Sound. The battle pet only drops from Mythic difficulty of this dungeon.
The rare spawn that drops this pet can be found after lockpicking the third cell on the right on The Brig level of the instance (the cell that contains the gnome). The cell can be unlocked by a Rogue, a Blacksmith, an Inscriptionist, or by finding/looting Discarded Cell Keys scattered around the dungeon. A large hole in the right wall of the cell leads to a room with a "filthy bucket" object. Interacting with it spawns Gol'than the Malodorous.
The rare spawn that drops this pet can be found after lockpicking the third cell on the right on The Brig level of the instance (the cell that contains the gnome). The cell can be unlocked by a Rogue, a Blacksmith, an Inscriptionist, or by finding/looting Discarded Cell Keys scattered around the dungeon. A large hole in the right wall of the cell leads to a room with a "filthy bucket" object. Interacting with it spawns Gol'than the Malodorous.
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Don't give up... it still drops in DF and is easy to solo. Killed the first boss on Mythic, picked up a key, opened the cell to access the hidden passage, clicked on the bucket, killed Gol'than, looted the corpse and immediately logged out. On logging in about 30 minutes later, you will be at the location of the first boss (who doesn't reappear) and can repeat. I cycled between alts until it dropped on the 49th attempt.
Just finished my 29th attempt to get this pet. Hoping for lucky 30. It's not just a missed one time, I'll get it the next. I've seen this drop all around me and then not drop for 10 striaght times. Good luck to all.
43rd attempt, three people in the party got this pet.....not me....again.
Could not find any group to farm this pet so if you want to form a group and use the guide below provided by Panseit feel free to add me in game, Galthariel#1296
For me I bought it today 2/26 for 65K at AH .
I just cleared the dungeon on mythic, we killed the boss, no pet for anyone. Afterwards i went back in alone, resetting all dungeons didn't seem to work, there was no chat message to confirm it, and all the trash that we killed is still dead, the bucket is not interactable. Does finishing the dungeon ruin my chance of resetting and trying again?
I made a comment-guide on wowhead about this pet and how to obtain it : Feel free to comment if you wanna add any additional info.
@Artemicia - Yes, you can keep resetting and killing the mob for a chance at the pet. No need to wait for the weekly reset. Filthy Slime didn't drop for me the first time so I reset the instance, killed Golthan the Malodorous a second time and received the pet on that second kill.
Does anyone know if this pet is a weekly reset like the mythic dungeon? My group reset and went in and killed it a second time, we all got azerite from the boss but n o one got the pet the second time. Any info would be helpful :)
The rare this drops from is located on the 2nd level of Tol'Gar Mythic
As you enter the 2nd level, open the prison cell doors on the right side (rogue, skeleton key, scroll of unlocking etc), and enter the passage at the back of the pair of joined cells. The rare is at the end of the tunnel. Kill the slime to get the pet, loot is personal, so it will be random as to who gets the pet.