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Jeweled Companions: WoW Battle Pets

Pets by Family Magic Jeweled Companions
Select a pet:
Jade Owl [Jade Owl]

Profession: Pandaria Jewelcrafting [75]

Taught By: [Design: Jade Owl]

Jade Tiger [Jade Tiger]

Promotion: Recruit-A-Friend

Onyx Panther [Enchanted Onyx]

Promotion: Korea World Event

Sanctum Cub [Glittering Ball of Yarn]

Drop: Auriaya [??+]

Zone: Ulduar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Sapphire Cub [Sapphire Cub]

Profession: Pandaria Jewelcrafting [75]

Taught By: [Design: Sapphire Cub]

Zipao Tiger [Enchanted Purple Jade]

Promotion: Recruit-A-Friend

TIP: Most pets include links to Wowhead, providing you with additional information about pet-related quests, mobs, and items.
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