Eye of Observation

Eye of Observation
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Orumo the Observer starts off as invulnerable to all attacks. To release him and start the encounter, one player must stand on each of the markings on the ground nearby.
This rare elite is faction taggable, and drops personal loot. It only spawns when the Garrison Support daily, 'Assault on the Heart of Shattrath' is available.
Orumo the Observer does not spawn every day, and players can only receive loot once per day from this creature.
This rare elite is faction taggable, and drops personal loot. It only spawns when the Garrison Support daily, 'Assault on the Heart of Shattrath' is available.
Orumo the Observer does not spawn every day, and players can only receive loot once per day from this creature.
Level 0:

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

This rare can be soloed.
Choose 4 alts + your main. They need to be level 40+ & your main needs to be able to solo the rare. Any level 60 (current max) should work.
Log on to each alt, step on a rune and STAY THERE. Log out & repeat. You'll see flames, but no alts.
When your main steps onto the 5th rune, Orumu will activate instantly - kill him, & good luck! Took me 3 days/tries but I got the pet by myself. I left my alts parked there overnight to save time.
While this pet may seem strong in stats he lacks actually allot in high hitting abilities and cleaver movesets. His life is quite tiny and IMO should have been 1400 for a P/P spec pet.
Oddly enough it remindes me fondly of Link and Zelda of old.
Only 1 breed, P/P. Glass cannon with only 1197 health, good thing he can't take more than 35% of that per hit due to his racial ability. Two Powerball and he's at 364 speed which means (except for flyers above 50% health, or other speed buffs/debuffs) his Counterspell will interrupt most everyone - which can be a deal breaker. Furthermore, he can lower opponent's speed with Eyeblast for 4 rounds. Like Vek says, even if Lens Flare causes 1 miss, it paid for itself. Blinkstrike ALWAYS goes first.
I like that he's tiny.. he's like a tiny mysterious "What the HECK was that" that goes whizzing by. I think he's perfect.
I guess I go lucky with this guy, it took me about 6 days, 5 separate kills and some server hopping via LFG.
Most of the groups I was in he dropped 2 pets and some gear. I was so excited to finally add him to my collection, but was very disappointed with how TINY this pet is... I barely even notice he's there when I summon him :C
Orumo the Observer is out of the way so it is unlikely you'll just happen upon him.
Take four others with you. All five step on the runes simultaneously.
/way Talador 31.4 47.6
This guy's a very strong magic pet. He also has some useful movesets, such as Eyeblast/Powerball + Counterspell, or if you're not shooting for speed he has Blinkstrike.
He's loads of fun to use against Jahan, Samm, and Archmimedes, the three birds from one of the garrison pet battle dailies.
Orumu can be killed with an alt for another chance at the pet. I defeated him on my warlock and there was no loot for her. I tried again on my DK and not only did I get loot, but the pet as well!
For those looking to kill Orumu, I suggest using the Group Finder->Premade Groups->Custom to find off server groups looking to kill him. Good luck!
He dropped 1 pet for our 5-man group today and 2 ilevel 620 neck pieces. The pet is BoP, so make sure you warn helpful but non-pet-oriented friends who want to pass to someone else that it needs to be caged. GL!
better luck tommorow i guess
Like all the other lvl 100 rares in the daily area, Orumo is lootable once per day. Many people have noted that he is only active on days when the garrison daily is Shattrath.
The drop is not guaranteed, but it is personal loot. 1 person in our 7 person group got the pet.
We needed 5 people to stand on runes next to the boss. We did not need to clear the other imprisoned demons nearby.
There are safe paths to the plateau from the south and south east through the mountains.
I have only ever seen the rare up when the daily for Apexus Crystal is in this zone. Requires at least 4 people to stand on the runes directly in front of him to make him active. 1 person in a 6 man group got the pet. Was unable to loot the pet a second time. Possibly only lootable once a day or week.
our party dropped 2 pets. If there was other gear, i dont know. I was so excited to get this pet, that ive not noticed it.
Sadly a very tiny, tiny, tiny pet. To kill Orumo: bring 4 friends, then kill one by one the elites in circle; each elite need 3 ppls in the same time on the runes close him to be activated and killed. When you have kill all the demons in circle, to activate Orumo use the same method, but need 5 ppls for the 5 runes and he will be killable. He dropped just 1 pet for our party and 1 item lv620. I hope this will help you to farm him.