Gryphon Hatchling

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about. Will begin to fly whenever its owner mounts up.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Loot code required.
The Blizzard Store has not stocked this toy (and pet code) for a long time, and it's unknown if the store will ever carry this item again. Although the plush might not be available, players that trade/buy unused pet codes can still redeem the pet on a single Bnet account.
A plush version of this pet is available for purchase from the Blizzard Store. Players who purchase the plush will receive a code for the in-game pet. This code may be redeemed on any WoW account. All WoW accounts (of the same region) under one will have access to this pet.
Note: The pet codes are region-specific, so be sure to order for your region. (Plushes ordered from the US store cannot be redeemed on EU servers.)

You can no longer redeem a US code on an non-US account
Blizzard appear to have removed the Wind Rider Cub and Gryphon Hatchling completely (again!) Rather than saying "out of stock", they have been removed from the store, and the one I had in my wishlist now says "Product no longer available."
Wish I'd ordered it earlier, seems it went from not being (readily) available in Europe to unavailable worldwide. One would hope they will add the companions to the digital store, but not holding out hope. Maybe they will return...
He's back on the Blizzard Store. I just bought him today. I did buy a BlizzCon ticket, so maybe with that purchase one can see more items in the shop, so if you can't see him for sale, that might be why.
I can't find this in the Blizz store anymore. Is it retired?
I have ordered this from the US store and redeemed on my EU account. about 1-2 years ago.
Blizzard Gear store -> Collectibles -> Shop by IP -> Warcraft -> page 2
Listed as "Gryphon hatchling plush with bonus in-game companion"
On January 11th, 2015, I was able to order this little guy when it had previously been missing from the store! It's in the Blizzard Gear store, under Collectables. I found it on page two. Good luck!
Gone... again, from the store, along with its counter part the Wind Rider Cub.
Edit: Both appear in stock again.
I just ordered this pet today from the blizzard merchandise store, link found on side menu of Blizzard Store, Linked from the Notes section in the general info tab here. direct link
Looking forward to recieving it. also ordered the Wind Rider Cub.
I got him this morning, 11 days later. looking forward to levelling him
I got this and the Wind Rider from my family for my college graduation back in 2010. Can't think of a better gift.
After searching all thru the available merchandise this "plushie" or the accompanying code is no longer available at the Blizzard store. You are at the mercy of unscrupulous sellers and dealers. Good luck.
With the opening of the Blizzard gear store, this guy is for sale again. I had missed out on it and quickly snatched one up and recieved it a few days after. If you're missing it, I'd suggest picking it up ASAP. as the wind rider cub sold out extremely quickly. This one may follow suit soon.
This pet and its plushy were recently removed from the Pet Store along with the horde pet and plushy ever since Blizzard changed to the new format.
Chimeras: I think that you're confused with the Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling which is sharing the same model.
Just as the Wind Rider Cub, it's available again from the US-Blizzard Store. The code also works on EU-Account.
Get it as soon as possible though, as they may be sold out again soon.
This pet and the horde version are now no longer available to EU customers from the pet store. Only versions for the US are still available :(
I bought mine off ebay for 7 bucks, used the loot card and resold the plushie for the same price, no money lost. (also, for the horde pet, I bought from blizzard and resold the plushie for MORE than the store to someone from a foreign country, keep that in mind)
Fun to have if yer main flying mount is a griffin. Also, the little collar he wears matches nicely with the pet leashes, so it doesn't look like there is a rope just "magically" appearing out of his body.
But all my gifts i got early but one. They handed me a lil box, i was stunned b/c i was so keen on watching the fedex trucks when they came. I opened it and at first when i saw the bag i was saying "wtf" but i noticed the words on it and instantly opened it. This lil buddy is so cute and i love the armor plate on it, its not some sewed on thing its all real and made with great quality. <3 i luv his lil feet along with the cute claws.