Blackchasm Crawler

Idles about.
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.2.0 | Posted: June 25, 2019
The Blackchasm Crawler is a wild pet that spawns inside The Eternal Palace raid. It can be found on the watery platforms in Halls of the Chosen, before the Lady Ashvane encounter.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

OK well I needed his one and Chitterspine Deepstalker and Trench Slug all in the eternal palace. Well after some digging found if you go to EPPU in the great seal in Zandalar for horde. Sorry not sure of Alliance. then pick up the raid Depths of the Devoted: Lady Ashvane - Orgozoa - the Queen's Court this puts you right in the hallway to get to all the above pets.
I captured it with alpine foxling (does not hit hard) then xu-fu, did'nt need 3rd pet. I guess you can also use Grumpy + xu-fu
What is a good team to capture these?
I was able to get the pet after all 3 bosses were dead. It was no problem to backtrack through the instance to get to the battle pets. It was the primary pet of a three pet team and of rare quality.
Note that they can come in two forms: smooth shell or spiky shell, but only the one maroon colour.
In LFG mode you can get these in the first wing. They're located in the Halls of the Chosen before the third boss (Radiance of Azshara). I didn't see any in the tunnels before the Blackwater Behemoth, but it's possible they could spawn there too. Because LFG stops at the third boss you can go back and capture them after the raid is over. And if someone has already taken them, don't fret: they do respawn.
These can be found as primary spawns in the pools above Lady Ashvane, before she is killed. And *ONLY* before she is killed.
At the moment, once Lady Ashvane is dead, you are dropped into a lower area and are completely unable ot backtrack. As such, getting these is going to be tricky at best!
It seems that with these, primary spawns always spawn as rare. Fortunately, as they seem to be primary only.