Darting Hatchling

Darting Hatchling
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and runs around in a random pattern.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
3 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 4, 2009

Darting Hatchling
Item Level 30
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your hatchling.
Sell Price: 25
This is one of several raptor companions introduced in patch 3.2. Upon its initial release, this pet dropped from Dart, a rare spawn who circles through northern Dustwallow Marsh roughly every 5-8 hours.
As of patch 3.3, the Darting Hatchling became a lootable item from Dart's Nest.
This pet will occasionally run around in a random pattern leaving a trail of dust behind.

I just got this from Norushen in Siege of Orgimmar, I'm so confused, I thought it was only from dustwallow marsh.
I didn't find mine in either nest - I found it just sitting by a big tree at 49.16. 17.32
still up and running, but hard to see (48 19.09)
if you kill Dart without the pet, you can find his nests around the are, just click on the eggs to get your pet.
here are the coords of the nests:
48.0 14.2
49.2 17.5
47.9 19.0
46.6 17.1
good hunting :)
I watched Dart spawn and follwed her five or six times no pet, hmm so I killed her. I then logged for a few hours and then came back in around 1:30Pm there she was again running around, I followed her to 48.15 there it was at the base of the tree. just few tries is all you need.
This may be helpful to some of you: the NPC is near the tauren totem pole. From there I looked around the trees, and there it was just a few paces away from the Stinky dude. And in case anyone is wondering (this might be a duh but I actually had to think about this) you can loot the hatchling over and over. It will respawn for you even if you've already looted it (not right away, I mean just in general). That way if you want a rare instead of a common, keep trying!
Found mine tonight at 46.6 - 17.2
Couldn't have been easier! :)
A really good tip is to look for a kneeling human named "Stinky" Ignatz. The nest is under a tree right behind him. Happy hunting!
Just found mine tonight at 47.5, 18.8!
Found the nest at coords 47.96/19.05 at the base of a tree, Alexstrasza/U.S. at 12:48 pm realm time; no creatures around. Happy Hunting!
Saw it on the AH, found that I didn't have it. Checked out its location on this guide. Thanks for the accurate co ordinates. Flew straight to it and there was the nest. Money well saved and potential to make money on the AH!!
Got mine at 49,18:17,34
@Stormrage EU 03:40 server time
(Edit: Dart was alive and running arround, didn't kill it)
Took me about an hour and a half roaming and trying coords listed below, they didn't work for me. Found him at 48.03, 14.21 after the nest finally appeared. Yay! Was about 11:30am server time on Echo Isles.
Found at the base of a tree, coordinates: 47.98, 14.25. 6pm server time.
GOT MINE, 48.0/14.3, 1:28pm suramar, it was at the base of a tree
Literally hit the ground and found a nest..Got my baby! 49.12 - 17.45
6pm Server Time after 2 hours of camping I found the nest at the tree near 48, 14
Got mine today Thorium Brotherhood 1:00pm (Ish) base of tree by road. Flew down into the running path of Dart he hit me i shrugged killed him and got pet nearby. This completes my hatchlings :).
Just got mine at /way 49.2 17.5 at 2AM server time on Azralon.
I just snagged mine while I was flying through Dustwallow to do some Archeology leveling on my DK. I stopped off in the area, and after about 20 seconds, I saw Dart run past. I checked a couple nests and found his on the third one. Now back to Un'Goro to try for the Ravasaur...
Used Tom Tom and the four way points that Orlendis shared. Worked perfectly my first time there, found the nest on the 2nd way point. Thank you so much for this information.