Mr. Chilly

Unhatched Mr. Chilly
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Looks around and idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Players who emote /sexy while targeting Mr. Chilly will cause him to belly slide along the ground.
Special promotion.
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.1.2 | Posted: October 15, 2009
This pet was available for a limited time as an incentive to players to merge their existing WoW account(s) with a account. The accounts must have been merged by November 11, 2009 to receive the pet. After successfully merging their accounts, players received Mr. Chilly via an in-game mail. All future characters on that account will also receive the pet.
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So, I'm reading that this lil' guys item works like Tobias' Leash, in that every new character gets the item, just in case something happened.
Has anybody tried making a new alt with the item, and then transfering said alt to an account that does not yet have it via Character Transfer? The Character Transfer page says it won't work with caged pets, but I'm not sure if initial pet items are considered the same thing.
He does still belly slide when you /sexy at him :) Must have been a bug for the prevoius poster.
My main is a frost mage named Chilly. I am terribly sad that I will never be able to attain this pet.
"Interactivity: Players who emote /sexy while targeting Mr. Chilly will cause him to belly slide along the ground." This doesn't seem to apply anymore, unfortunately! Bet I looked pretty silly testing it...
Just did it yesterday. Merged my very old 2008 account and received Mr. Chilly in a gift box in my pet tab. Sweet!
Confirmed as of March 2015, merging a very old account to your account still triggered the mechanics for getting this pet. How long it lasts, I don't know.
I happened to have a 2004 vanilla account where I tried out wow way back when. I kept playing EverQuest. When I came back to wow in 2010, I forgot about that account and created a new one.
I came across the original CD key from my 2004 vanilla account and scanned it, opened up a web a ticket and attached CD scan. GM verified same person old and new account. GM linked the accounts but set expectations for no Mr. Chilly because that the promo had expired. I logged into my main acct. No mail. I logged in my really old account. No mail. However, after logging back in to my main account again, this time I had mail! Mr. Chilly!!!
Good luck in the hunt for this pet.
Used to have this pet, but disappeared when I un-merged my WoW account from a different to my new one. They didn't give it back to me after a ticket unfortunately.
While it sucks to not be able to get this cute little pet battlewise you are not missing out much. Though it has a currently unique stat distribution the differences between Mr. Chilly and the available penguines is close to nothing. Mr. Chilly is slightly more healthy than Pengu but trades that for some power. Tundra Penguin has even more health than Mr. Chilly but is alot slower. Otherwise Penguins are a solid pet with a priority move in surge and self synergy with Slippery Ice and Ice Lance.
"The accounts must have been merged by November 11, 2009 to receive the pet." Not possible to get anymore...
Can someone help me ? is still posible to get ?? im playin ragnaros 5.4 patch ..
I'm assuming all Mr. Chilly's are uncommon unless a stone is used???
I merged my old account with my current one and got Mr Chilly on my more recent account. The old account never got it when I merged the WoW account into back in 2009 for some reason so I was very happy.
Mr. Chilly CAN'T be set free or put in a cage and sold on the AH.
- Log in on EU/US
- Change your password
- Relog onto WoW
- Receive Mr. Chilly
A GM suggested these steps to Aldun, one of our members, and he confirmed that it works. Apparently doing this refreshes your account details and "checks" if you received the penguin.
I mean look at the eyes, Pengu has the red eyes of Blood. Mr. Chilly, the blue eyes of Frost.
Luckly we haven't see one with green eyes of Unholy yet.