Whitetigress' Comments
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I have found Chrominius to be quite a helpful pet in many ways, especially levelling other pets. It just annihilates flying pets, and the dragonkin benefits really assist along the way to give a boost to your longevity in the fights.
I have found Arcance Explosion (#2 ability, Slot 1) that you can get as early as Pet Level 10 to be a tremendous way to beat down all the members of the enemies team. There are many times that I'll just use that, along with Ancient Blessing (#2 ability, Slot2) that you can get at pet level 15.
I used to use Howl in Slot 2, but I found that I could go up against several complete 3 pet teams in a row if I used Ancient Blessing instead. Plus it helps to give you that little bit of an edge to keep healing yourself while your opponent is getting beat down.
Slot 3's ability Surge of Power is good especially if you know you are going to die but you'll get that one last hit in!
I can't believe how many changes and accomplishments I've seen over the last two years for me when it comes to pets. I happily watch nearly every day as my rating here goes up little by little with each new pet acquired or leveled.
Having a Level 100 Rogue, I love the pet levelling jumps that I can do with the Draenor Pet Masters each day. They have been a huge help towards leveling all different pets from 1 to 24.
I have a lot more to collect to get all my pet achievements, but I'm happy to plod along. I could have had all of them already if I was willing to accept poor or common forms still.
Only thing I don't usually do is PvP pet battles. Maybe I should start.