RodentiaTheMage's Comments
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Knockoff Blingtron is not on the loot tables for the gift box on Wowhead. Has anyone gotten this in game? I just opened a Bling 6k box and found a legendary ring :)
Anyway, the 5 felslate to summon is no big deal. I get it doing mining world quests, then make ten Reaves batteries at a time. I like that I can drop one without the cooldown the "toy" one has. They made it easier to get the recipe, I think, so you are seeing a lot more Bling 6000 around. Don't waste your daily quest on anything less than a 6k!
Toontown was our gateway MMO, as well. I started playing it with my son when he was 5, and now he is 17 and we play WoW together. I sometimes call gold "jellybeans."
I killed or battled a half dozen pets in the area, then came back and saw two harpies spawn. I don't think killing the critters affects it. You need to free up spaces in the Northern Barrens population for new spawns of any kind. In this case, it does help to go out and do the work and reduce the pet population in the area, not just hang around waiting for spawns :)
If you buy the item from Amazon, it is not eligible (per the fine print on the Razer web site). I returned mine, unopened.
The Razer Naga V2 Pro is now $179.99 on the Razer web site directly. This has made me hate Razer and I will be avoiding their overpriced products in the future.