Ranok's Comments
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Interesting challenge to get this pet. First of all you must have completed at least part of the Isle of Dorn Campaign storylines to even be able to start it. After that (thank goodness for Wowhead) need to feed the turtle various fish and wait several minutes before it moves to Dornagal. There you find it, among other turtles.
Works out to only ten dollars per Gryphon. Blizzard is sure pushing the Epic Edition premium price.
If you have Cubbly already and an alt gets another one, he can only throw it away. Not tradeable and can't be vendored.
Beware! If you find one of these to capture do NOT use an ability like Superbark that reduces its health to 1. It'll usually follow with an attack that also deals damage to itself, and it dies.
Primary pet at 68, 40
Can be a main pet, not always an added. Got one at 55 65 in Ohn'ahran Plains
For individuals or families with multiple WoW accounts under the same Battle.net logon, each account needs to buy Dragonflight. But only one needs the pricier Heroic Edition for the Dragon mount and Murkastrasza pet. Those are usable account-wide for everyone under same Battle.net account.
Need 3,510 Torghast Tower Knowledge to unlock all those talents. Takes a while.
Yeah, noticed it hadn't shown up on AH in 3 different realms so checked, and it's not cageable.
Finally found one, after getting killed a couple times, these guys all 60's. Secondary pet, and not rare, but I can fix that.
Finally found one little ways east of Renounced Bastille FP in eastern Maldraxxus. It was the main, not an added. Poor quality but grabbed it anyway.
New whisper from Jenafur tonight, "Feed me Souls". Going to hafta watch out for this kitty.
Blizzard seems to have taken pity on the non-stealthers who want this pet. Took a friend to the island yesterday and there's no longer just one Squirky in the center, now a bunch of them all around the island. Much easier to tag one without ever aggroing the elites.
You'll want to be willing to put in a LOT of time fishing (and like Nat keeps reminding, have a cooler of beer on hand) to get the rep necessary to buy the Sting Ray. Darkmoon Top Hat, that you can buy at Faire for Faire Tickets, is a help with its 10% increase to rep.
Also huge help to find times when there's lots of other folks fishing there, means Aquaos gets summoned often so you're getting a Drowned Mana or two every cast. Otherwise you're lucky to get 15% drop rate. And you need 835 of them.
After 4 days of an alt camping the trail and running up and down it occasionally. Battled a Fledgling Oliveback, had done the whole trail so was just about to log when the Kingfeather spawned at same spot 20 seconds later.
If you're going to park an alt here, a miner is best. 2 or 3 ore lodes along the trail.
Mine was P/B (a poor P/B but so happy to find a Kingfeather, stoned him). Seems there is definitely some variety. Looks like Wowhead just calling everything B/B until they get enough feedback as to what people are catching.
Went in at midnight Pacific (3am Server) and found 4 Thornclaws, 3 B/B, 1 H/B. One on upper level and other 3 in bottom of pit.
Seems like this is another of the pets that are not too hard to find (if you hit the place at right time) but share spawn points with the hard-to-find ones, so you gotta kill the Thornclaws to get the rarer Vicious Broodlings to spawn. So far no luck finding a Vicious.
Trying not to be angry at the "I got one first try" posters, lol.
I've tried at least 80 Mudshells and never seen a Rare. Finally gave up and stoned one. And even Wowhead doesn't know yet what breeds there are but almost all my battles have been against B/B and just the occasional H/B.
No idea if it's just that the RNG gods hate me or that Blizzard having fun with pet tuning, but from experience does seem like the rarity tuned differently for different pets.
Currently the Wowhead-supplied location map is wrong about this only being a secondary pet. Lots of them flying around the Haglands in Highmountain.
Maybe just a personal gripe (I turn off Trade Chat in game on all my toons) but wonder if the Recent Forum Posts on Homepage might be more useful for everyone if it wasn't mostly posts to the Trade forums.
There are primaries, but really scarce, especially while you're dodging 100 mobs.
WOO HOO .... just got my Grommloc in the mail, we don't hafta wait till Blizzcon starts.