Misszombiex's Comments
(5) comments by Misszombiex

Comments by Date (5)
I found mine in the bonus objective area called Zorkra's Fall. He was just flying to the left of the pathway walking into the bonus area. 3:40pm server.
These are located Southeast of Wor'gol. I found about 2 each time I ran up and down the east side of Wor'gol. I didn't see that many, they do, however, spawn quickly. Once one is battled, there is normally another that spawns a few seconds after the first one is killed.
I found a few towards the back of Bladespire Fortress, there's a little path that winds around towards the back. There were about 5, I battled them all in hopes for a rare, ended up settling for an uncommon for the time being. They have a slow respawn timer I've noticed, I battled everyone that spawned and it would take about 4-5 minutes for another one to spawn. I may go back to try and search for a rare again!
These do come as a main pet and a secondary with other pets in the area. If you farm Icespine Hatchlings for leveling purposes you can find a rare rat pretty fast. I found mine not even looking for it. :)
Like a few others I captured mine in front of Spineslicer, the elite quest mob. I sat in one spot and hopped server to server searching for him, so you're able to use group finder to camp one spot and just hop servers until you find one that's up. I happened to hop to the Zangarmarsh server at 4:45pm server time and there he was flying in front of Spineslicer. I had to kill a few tigers to access him, but it wasn't bad. He was a poor quality, but I can get a stone to upgrade him. Happy hunting!