Louk's Comments
(7) comments by Louk

Comments by Date (7)
Just finished RWL. Cool looking pets. I'm not seeing any PvP stars which is kinda what I was hoping for considering its getting old fighting against the same handful of tier 1s. Drop rate is almost too easy. Already have four Spawn of Garalon and three of a few others.
This is a chore but fun to do. There are a couple of videos on Youtube that will get you through it. Expect to spend several hours.
Picked him up on the second fight. Used three fel flames cuz I'm lazy like that. I was wondering if the drop rate is very good or I just got insanely lucky. Considering they're giving everything away in 7.3 as far as pets go..(half way through raiding with leashes on the second day) I imagine the drop rate is more than just good, unlike the Albino Buzzard.....but honestly, I'm not really happy about that. "Cool" stops being cool when everyone has a backpack full of them.
Okay, so this guy changes color....good. I was annoyed that he was just a drab blue when I summoned him for the first time.
These must always be rare. I only found two and they were both blue.
First pet I collected. It's a Darkshore Cub with just the name changed. Disappointing.
It drops from the events now. It dropped for me and I saw it drop at other events so apparently its not terribly rare. I'm a little disappointed. I was kinda hoping it would be a riddle to unravel using the butterfly net.