Lochness' Comments
(2) comments by Lochness

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Ruby Sapling
Farmed for an hour on my level 88 Human paladin, during which time I encountered four uncommons and tons of commons and poors. I saw three rares, but the first two were both H/S and I was after the H/H breed. All of the uncommons and rares were closer to Silvermoon city and the eastern edge of the zone. My suggestion for farming this pet is to go further into the zone where other collectors may be unwilling to risk travelling.
Posted: November 17, 2013 2:47:09 AM
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Rating: 0
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These are not very common, with only a few in the spawn locations. However, they can be founds as adds to the royal moths across the entire zone. If you find one as an add to a royal moth and they're both rare, I recommend capturing the crawler unless it's just a breed you don't want. There are many more moth than crawler spawns.