Lilbosslaura's Comments
(7) comments by Lilbosslaura
Comments by Date (7)
Finally got this guy on my 3rd or 4th rainstorm on the island. I went to the SE corner and one 1 was spawned there after 15m or so of rain. I'm not sure if there are usually only 1 or 2 per storm or what, the other comments suggest that they are plentiful in the right weather conditions.
s/s dropped on my 99th kill today, very lucky. There aren't so many fireflies to farm and I did need to wait a bit for respawns. Good advice down below to realm hopping to get around this.
Spamed /chicken to a non-battleable critter chicken around the farm building. The first time (after maybe 30-40 chicken emotes) I got the ? quest prompt but I was too slow reading the quest and it disappeared. I had to get another chicken to activate. It took a good few minutes of nonstop chicken emotes, then got the quest to pop and I accepted without hesitation. I /cheer emoted the chicken before turning in with the feed.
I had such a good time getting this magical guy today. About 150 casts, and on my first wish, very lucky.
He is H/H, I'm not sure if they all are?
I fished continuously from Blackwind Lake. A lot of times there were other anglers out. Only a few times I wasn't able to find a pool to fish out of. Based on guides and other info I found, I think the occurence and spwan time of these pools has greatly improved from years past.
Update: wish 2 was also a magical crawdad!
Not the easiest lil dude to find. I found one hatchling right next to a full grown diemetradon, only to kill it sigh. Luckily I found a second one, again paired with a parent, this time successfully caught and a rare P/B to boot. I circled around a few times to see if I could grab a P/P build but there were no others around. Seems like there are only a couple in the herd at a given time. Good luck!
Grabbed a rare balance toad in wetlands on the first one I could find! I circled the wetlands quite a few times before I saw one I could battle.
After completing the quests for Fionia and recieving her lucky buff, I farmed in Zul'Mashar in North-East EPL. On my 51st bag I got Mr. Grubbs. It was pretty good luck but still took over an hour. I tried a few other spots like the Undercroft, but the ZM spot was best by a wide margin. Happy hunting