Kitrik0224's Comments
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I have to agree, I wish they had both pets available for retail rather than Classic. A lot of us don't even play Classic and play Retail more. I would have loved to have another murloc on my retail account than Classic
In the Forbidden Reach... there's a NPC that shows up Marquot Villager that is "Spiceless Stew" you need "Sparkling Spice Pouch" to interact with the NPC. Once you "add" the spice the rare Luttrok appears and you kill it for a chance at the battle pet. Per the drop rate is 2%. I have been lucky finding the NPC at way point: 55.8 51.6. I have NOT gotten the battle pet yet, but I am camping the area and trying for it.
I caught a poor one today on Azuremyst realm, realm time 10:50 am. Just almost right at the entrance to Cavern of Time. I'm waiting for another one to appear... I'm a big collector and like to continue to get one until I get a rare.
Forgot to ask, does anyone have a timer on when these spawn?
My collection has grown massivly. I’m a huge collector of battle pets! I absolutely ❤️ Collecting them and leveling them. I really like the battles you can do against other players and against NPC’s in WoW. Doing dailies is great.