Djinmonet's Comments
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Status Update (1)
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Good news, far as I can tell it's every 'Sunday'-ish. Techically started at 2:00 am EST Monday, for us, and ended 22 mins later. (This was the really bad news, in our opinion, if we want all the breeds.) Didn't see anything at the 12 am EST, but we were in the spot marked wrong as the pet location, so it's possible the lanterns and fireworks were phased/not visible? Only pet spawns were right after the achevement and first fireworks, so no reason to stay awake for the end!
Maybe 8 total pets? Groups of two turtles, sort of on top of each other, spaced around Turtle Beach at the statue. Supposed to be a low pop server, but that's never how it works out. About half dozen other players at least, only the two of us from our server. Pets go immediately. Need the target macro and interact, even in 2023. Probably sticking with the single pet, 2 am on a weekday is rough. Even 12 am is not something I want to test again anytime soon.
Just rediscovered Master Tamer Flummox. Nothing works. He kills (or Eats? lol) all the teams before they can do their abilities, including the "easy" strats, & stays mostly full health. I think he was my first taste of Legion last year, & I was thinking... Ok, no more pet battling for me, this just doesn't work.
I still may have to leave him off my pet portal achievement list, but I am so happy he's not even close to the normal situation!
Update: Got him. Mostly because RNG favored me, & he didn't backline damage my pets so much (for the first time). Plus, I gave up on an undead lineup (MM or Inf. Squir), & plugged in a fast Anklerender as a second. Still was all about the RNG, and holding my breath through the Ghastly Kid.