Dementron's Comments
(8) comments by Dementron

Comments by Date (8)
So far I've seen two colors for this: black and purple.
I can confirm that the red body/blue gem variant DOES exist. I had to buy 40 diamondshells off the AH before I got one.
Even worse, it doesn't appear to have four colors, it appears to have five, it's just that the green-yellow variant is very close to the teal-orange variant. One more extra pet to keep in my bank.
Edit: I've probably learned a dozen of the stupid things and have yet to get the green-yellow one, I'm not entirely convinced that wasn't the teal variant in odd lighting. I haven't found a single color changer either, they've all been a consistent color once learned.
Why in the world did they use the cat skeleton for the ferret when they have a perfectly good otter?
Interesting. I wonder if the bottlecaps are a reference to Pokemon Sun and Moon? Those introduced bottle caps as a rare currency you can use to upgrade your pokemons' stats. Given how many people jokingly (or not-so-jokingly) compare WoW pet battles to Pokemon, I would be surprised not to find any veiled references to the franchise.
The charms you have now wouldn't be a waste... you can still use them to rarify and level the new pets in Legion.
I've seen four variants: Copper with steel trim, steel with copper trim, silver with green/yellow trim, and gold with silver trim.