Cassiethefox's Comments
(22) comments by Cassiethefox

Comments by Date (22)
I got this today, first nest I clicked on, what a cool surprise. However I do still see and can click on nests, but they are all empty. Not sure if they are always empty if they don't have him, or if they are empty for me.
Got him! Didn't even know it was there, what an excellent surprise.
Have been chasing this guy for days, so far have levelled up about 30 pets to level 2 just doing pet battles looking for him. Hope it hurries up and appears soon.
This fellow showed up while fighting a chipmunk
This little guy showed up while I battled a roach.
I got mine in Durotar, between org and drygulch.
Managed to get one on bloodmyst isle, it joined in with a ravager.
This one joined in when I battled a ravager hatchling on wyrmscar island.
I was on between 1.30-2pm aussie time and there were tonnnes of these guys.
I found mine near the secret lab in Ashara.
Got mine on Sable Ridge, ashara.
Mine actually showed up in sable ridge in Ashara.
This guy tagged along with a squirrel. I was near the mountainfoot strip mine.
This guy showed up while I was battling a squirrel.
Got a white rabbit in mulgore 38.3 19.1
Got one in mulgore, 52.0 28.8
Found at the stagnant oasis. 57.1. 81.3
Was found with a forest moth.
The one I caught was accompanied by a beetle.
All around the southern half of northern barrens, where all the cats are.
Super easy to find in Barrens.
Snowing right now on Amunthul. just got my rare!