You get about 32,5 badges per instance, you need 2200 per pet that means you must run about 67,69 instances (70) for one pet. You are about 25minutes in an instance that means you 1750 minutes (about 30 hours) without downtimes for one of them.
For my calculation I include extra bosses like Yor in Mana Tombs but I excluded the 500 badges one per week or bonuses like extra badges for tanks!
You're welcome :D
Posted: January 24, 2017 5:23:15 AM
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Rating: +1
Well! I've done it...
You get about 32,5 badges per instance, you need 2200 per pet that means you must run about 67,69 instances (70) for one pet. You are about 25minutes in an instance that means you 1750 minutes (about 30 hours) without downtimes for one of them.
For my calculation I include extra bosses like Yor in Mana Tombs but I excluded the 500 badges one per week or bonuses like extra badges for tanks!