Artemisthemp's Comments
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So any words regarding EU/Non-Us as to Trolli pet?
I would have considered purchasing the Steelseries mouse for the pet if, I didn't already own a Corsair Scimitar and the price wasn't 1300 kr.
This makes me sad as I sold/got rid of my Shiny Charm long ago, as I couldn't use them, then again took Blizzard a long time to implement.
This explains why Wowhead Character planer looks diffrent now compare to earlier this week, do how will we obtain the final Royal pet for the achivement?
Other who also got a Grey instead of Rare?
Update: According to a GM the Nightwatch Swooper is either Poor, Coomon or Uncommen
You can obtain Nibbles now if, you pre-purchase WoW: Legion and it's breed is P/S.
I really looking forward to riding my Felstalker mount with Felstalker pet running beside it... Hopefully the Mouse Mount ain't out for 2 long
I found out last Sunday (April 12, 2015) that, Danish people can perform a RaF in-game and that way get this pet.
Note: Only down side is that you have to wait 7 days for the Reward.
I found out last Sunday (April 12, 2015) that, Danish people can perform a RaF in-game and that way get this pet.
Note: Only down side is that you have to wait 7 days for the Reward.
I found out last Sunday (April 12, 2015) that, Danish people can perform a RaF in-game and that way get this pet.
Note: Only down side is that you have to wait 7 days for the Reward.
I found out last Sunday (April 12, 2015) that, Danish people can perform a RaF in-game and that way get this pet.
Note: Only down side is that you have to wait 7 days for the Reward.
Hopefully this time Hogger pet will make it to live :)
Great April's Fool joke :)
Purchases mine on AH for 9500k gold and found it was a S/S breed (not that it matter to me)
It's kinda sad that, the Naaru can't be used as Battle Pet :(
Looking forward to using Ashlei to get some easy level's to Argi :)
Can you put Weebomination in a cage or?
I hope Blizzard will tread the Fishing Hat, Cooking Hat and Fishing Pool the same way.
2 weeks have now past since I, beat the Celestial Tournement for the first time and got my Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen :) and since then a lot have happende.
One of the major things was the release of 6.1, which brought pet's to Tier 6 Raid's and Kura Thunderhoof, which is the new Pet tamer that, have a chance to show up in your Garrison and reward players with 3 Leveling stone (1 lvl pr. stone) and a Bag, which have a chance to contain one of 3 pet's.
I have already collect all the new pet's from 6.1 and is now working on getting the 3 last pet's from the Celestial Tourmenet.
Note: I really wish Blizzard would reverse the change to Pet Menegerie since, the XP gain from it ain't worth the time.