Ambu's Comments
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April 5th, the quest will be available for the March of the Tadpoles Micro Holiday
Adopt a Tadpole (choose a Tadpole to give you quests)
A Tadpole's Request (Getting 10 Winterfin Clam from the ocean right beside.
The Ways of the World (Kill Mrrga L110)
Ends with a Blue quest (Weekly is says on
A Gift From Your Tadpole
Reward: Tadpole Gift
Maby we need to do this chain to come back each week, and one day Tadpole Gift will drop an invitation to do a petbattle on the great sea?
OL 2016 starts very soon. I hope to see Blizzard give us a chance to get the pet this year. My internet connection was down one month in 2008 while moving, so I lost the event. My brother got it tho' and he dont even like the pet battle. He tried to cage it, but was unable.
I miss this little fellow...
Greetings, big /hugs and /thanks goes to:
June 2nd, 2014
"Infused" guild Blackhand-EU(Horde) to make it possible to get Thundering Serpent Hatchling
July 4th, 2015
Elnor and "Resilient" guild Aegwynn-EU(Alliance) to make it possible to get Deathwatch Hatchling.
Jan 2nd, 2016
"Franonhunt @ Kilrogg-EU" (Alliance) for being able to capture the 3 halloween pets Ghastly Rats, Spectral Spinners and Ghost Maggots, on garrison.