Alizon's Comments
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Re: Redridge Rat
Found one as a second to a battle with a lvl 5 Roach. Poor quality, but I'll take it for now seeing as it was the only one I could find after sweeping the zone 3 times.
Posted: October 20, 2012 9:31:28 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
Re: Sea Pony
150 casts. looted 2 Message in a Bottle (hillarious, btw), 102 albacore, 43 Oily Blackmouth, 3 Firefin snapper.
Posted: December 07, 2011 12:36:46 PM
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Rating: 0
Re: Wind Rider Cub
i have a 2 year old, so i had a "valid" reason for buying the plushy/vanity pet. my son adores the stuffed animal, and we play games with it (flying, growling, and the improv snorting its way through a basket of laundry). i adore the in-game pet and his growls, and personally don't have a problem with its size. although i am faithfully alliance, the details of the windrider are much cuter/cuddlier than the gryphon, imo; the gryphon has an over-sized head with a mean face on both plush/in-game.
Posted: May 11, 2010 12:19:58 AM
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Rating: +2
1-4 of 4
something no one has mentioned yet, they spawn alone in the pet battles. they can hit hard though, so if you're looking to level a pet that is a few lvls below make sure it can take a beating from a magic pet. just like Restless Shadeling, i guess these guys are not very good at making friends in the wild.