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Shield Block

Shield Block
3 Round Cooldown

A shield surrounds you, blocking the next attack.


1-6 of 6
Used By:
Battleboar Piglet

Pet Battle: [25] Siren Isle

The War Within World Event: Siren Isle Vrykul Invasion

Draenei Micro Defender [Draenei Micro Defender]

Vendor: Vinidcator Nuurem

Zone: Stormshield

Faction: Council of Exarchs - Revered

Cost: 1000gold 2000Apexis Crystal (unlimited supply)

Grunty [Heavy Murloc Egg]

Promotion: BlizzCon 2009

Sergeant Quackers [Sergeant Quackers]

Achievement: Ducks In A Row

Category: Dragonflight Raid

Worgli the Apprehensive [Worgli the Apprehensive]

Vendor: Trading Post

Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 300Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

1-6 of 6
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