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Weakened By Capture and Healing Cooldown

August 05, 2012
There were announcements about a few changes and updates to Pet Battles that will be implemented in the near future.

Weakened By Capture
A new mechanic to reduce the level of wild pets in different level ranges upon capture will be ready for testing soon. Also, the experience required to level for pets after level 10 will be reduced. [source]

We have made a few adjustments to the both the weakened by capture pets and the overall XP curve. Details below!

  • Catching any pet level 15 or under retains its current level.
  • Catching a level 16-20 pet will lose 1 level.
  • Catching a level 21-25 pet will lose 2 levels.
  • We have dramatically reduced the XP required to level for pets after level 10.

Heal/Revive Cooldown
The spell to heal and revive your pets has been reduced to 10 minutes, down from 15. [source]

We have reduced the cool down to 10m in the next build. Don't forget you can get single use heals in the Sack of Pet Supplies from the Tamer dailies as an alternative to using the Stable Master or your Revive spell.

In addition to this, the heal/revive spell and the stable master heal/revive now has a 3 minute cooldown when first logging onto a character. [source]

Finally, the cool-up's that we added to the heal spells (both the player and stable master) are to deal with exploit cases of players using multiple characters/accounts to avoid cooldowns. We used 3 minutes as a baseline since most players can fly to one in that amount of time from pretty much anywhere on a full speed mount.
Posted by Quintessence
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