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Breanni Visits the Faire In 4.3!

November 08, 2011
In patch 4.3 the Darkmoon Faire turns into such a special, one week per month event that even some NPCs can't resist making a trip to the island just to check out the festivities. There's one NPC in particular that you might want to keep an eye out for.

Breanni Visits the Faire In 4.3!
Our own Breanni normally spends her time tending to the Magical Menagerie shop in Dalaran, but even she can't resist the allure of the faire. Every now and then, this little gnome NPC can be found wandering around the petting zoo area of the Darkmoon Faire. Let's hope she's there gathering some ideas for new pet wares to sell!

Unfortunately, Breanni doesn't have much freetime to spend at the fairgrounds, since she has duties and customers to attend to back at her pet shop. So if you should cross paths with her while visiting the Darkmoon Faire, be sure to give her a wave and say a quick hello. Feel free to take a picture of yourself with her and post it on the WarcraftPets Facebook! Breanni would enjoy a memento of the occasion.

But don't worry if you don't see her at the faire. With a little bit of gnome engineering and magic, she can instantly travel back to Dalaran, and will always be ready and waiting to sell you some mini-pet treats and goodies.
Posted by Quintessence
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